Organization of Biblische Notizen – Neue Folge (BN-NF)
I. Complete survey of regular contributors
Kristin De Troyer, Salzburg/A
Friedrich Vinzenz Reiterer, Salzburg/A
Consulting Editorial Board
Kåre Berge, Bergen/N
Eberhard Bons, Strasbourg/F
John J. Collins, Yale/USA
Jeremy Corley, Maynooth/IR
Michael Ernst, Heiligenkreuz/A
Matthew J. Goff, Tallahassee/USA
James Kugel, Harvard/USA
Gerhard Langer, Wien/A
Luca Mazzinghi, Florenz, Rom/I
Renate Reif, Salzburg/A
Stephen Ryan, Washington/USA
Eileen Schuller, Hamilton/CA
Markus Witte, Berlin/D
József Zsengellér, Budapest/H
Shimon Dar, Ramat-Gan/ISR (Archeology)
Manfred Hutter, Bonn/D (Oriental studies)
Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, Göttingen/D (Greco-Roman cultural history)
Mark Smith, Oxford/GB (Egyptology)
Editorial Board for Book Reviews
Michael Ernst, Heiligenkreuz/A
Karin Schöpflin, Göttingen/D
Stefan Schorch, Halle/D
Permanent staff for book reviews
Stefan Beyerle, Greifswald/D
Johannes Diehl, Frankfurt/D
Jan Dušek, Prag/CZ
Kai Ehling, München/D
Thomas Elßner, Koblenz/D
Thomas Hieke, Mainz/D
Andreas Michel, Köln/D
Thilo Rudnig, Göttingen/D
Barbara Schmitz, Würzburg/D
Stefan Schreiber, Augsburg/D
Franz Sedlmeier, Augsburg/D
Hans-Ulrich Weidemann, Siegen/D
Markus Witte, Berlin/D
Michał Wojciechowski, Olsztyn/Pl
József Zsengellér, Budapest/H
II. Guidelines for the journal
1. Orientation of the journal
1.1. This journal of Biblical studies (founded by Manfred Görg in 1976) focusses mainly on the Second Temple period as in this era the classical Old Testament got its final form, and as it forms a link to Early Judaism and the New Testament, as well as early Christianity.
1.2. The “deutero-canonical” literature, as well as parabiblical and extrabiblical literature of this time period, along with key problems in biblical exegesis are to be represented to a larger extent.
1.3 In addition to exegetical and biblical/theological contributions, those contributions focus-ing on cultural history, religious history and archaeology will be published in preference.
1.4. Per year one issue covers a common thematic focal point. The focal points are within the areas mentioned in 1.3.
1.5. Responsibility for special issues with a particular focal point is assumed by the editors. They will coordinate the contributions.
2. Formal principles
2.1. Four issues are published per annum.
2.2. Contributions written in English, German, and French are published.
2.3. The journal is compiled and prepared for printing within the University of Salzburg’s faculty of Exegetics/Bible Studies and Church History in the Department of Catholic Theology.
2.4. Before printing, all authors receive their contribution for a final review. We do not take responsibility for tiping errors.
2.5. As has been customary, the journal will be published yearly in issues, not in volumes.
2.6. It is intended to keep the cost per journal at a minimum, so that subscribers from countries of lower economic levels, as well as young academics, can afford to subscribe, or even consider subscribing, to the journal.
2.7. The journal, as always, aims to publish articles as quickly as possible.
2.8. All authors are obligated to follow the formal layout terms. These are available at the journal’s home page (; cf. the book cover of each issue of the BN.
2.9. A contact address for an individual author is to be supplied at the end of each article.
2.10. Authors are given the option of voluntarily submitting articles.
2.11. Submitted articles are reviewed by at least one member of the consulting board and, if need be, by a further consultant according to formal scholarly criteria as well as the degree of academic innovativeness.
2.12. Editors endeavour to grant that well-written articles, contributed by young academics, will be published as well.
3. Book reviews
3.1. The journal regularly publishes book reviews (short reviews).
3.2. There is a special editorial board for book reviews.
3.3. A special staff consisting of colleagues both habilitated and specialized is responsible for short reviews.
3.4. When selecting books, particular attention is to be paid to the academic level of contents.
4. Editing team: Formation and functions
4.1. There are two editors-in-chief. Presently, this positions are held by Friedrich V. Reiterer und Kristin De Troyer.
4.2. There is one co-editor. Presently, this position is held by Karin Schöpflin.
4.3. The number of co-editors may vary. It is desirable that co-editors agree on this point.
4.4. The editorial team comprises a maximum of five members.
4.5. Among the staff a balance of various denominations, as well as a wider range of specialization in various areas, is of great importance.
4.6. Withdrawal from the editorial team.
4.6.1. A member may withdraw from the publishing team; however, basically, the aim is to establish long-term cooperation.
4.6.2. In the event of a member’s withdrawal, that individual assumes the responsibility of remaining available for one calendar year, starting from the date of notification of withdrawal. This is to ensure that any pending or urgent tasks are completed.
4.6.3. In the event of a member’s withdrawal within one calendar year 4.6.2. takes effect. A corresponding rule applies to the editors, as well as the consulting editors and the reviewers’ team.
5. Editing team: duties and responsibilities
5.1. Editors supervise the journal jointly.
5.2. The co-editors reach a joint agreement, whereby the process of nomination for a position follows all appropriate conditions, all duties and functions are effectively taken charge of, and the potential withdrawal of a member is arranged in such a way not to affect the journal.
5.3. The editorial team meets regularly for discussion.
5.4. Members of the editorial team are obliged to follow up on questions concerning a particular subject area (i.e. acceptance of an article, comments or statements on memos, etc.) as promptly as possible.
5.5. The editors are to keep in touch with the consulting editors.
5.6. The guidelines for the journal’s orientation are, amongst other things, evaluated at the editorial meetings and are, where necessary, restructured. The primary editor has the deciding vote.
5.7. The editor-in-chief negotiates any arrangements regarding collaboration with the consulting editors, as well as the editorial team for book reviews.