Titelseite: Biblische Notizen. Neue Folge 168 (2016)

Nr. 168 (2016)Body, Psyche and Space in Old Testament Apocryphal Literature – A Conference held at the NWU, Potchefstoom Campus in South Africa 14-17 July 2013

1. Auflage 2016
Bestellnummer: Z020020
Erscheinungstermin PDF: 2016
Bestellnummer PDF: D100028

The ten studies presented here are devoted to some exploratory treatments of the theme. The literature considered includes 2 Maccabees, Judith, Susanna in the Additions to Daniel and Psalm 151. All this literature is taken from the Septuagint. Among the areas discussed are the heart and the heavenly and earthly spaces in 2 Maccabees. In Judith, the contrast between godly and godless space is contrasted in different contributions. An African reading of the feminine Psyche in Judith is the first of this kind. When scrutinizing the book of Susanna, it emerges that Susanna did indeed trade one type of patriarchal dominance for another. Further, it is found that Susanna would not have a significant impact on people in South Africa in terms of violence against women, rape and crime. Lastly it is shown that David is presented as a type of a messiah in Psalm 151.

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