Titelseite: Biblische Notizen. Neue Folge 175 (2017)

Nr. 175 (2017)Manuscripts, Their Texts and Their Use in Biblical and Patristic Studies

Erscheinungstermin PDF: 2017
Bestellnummer PDF: D100091

Dan Batovici (ed.) 

The nine contributions offered here aim to sample a variety of text-critical approaches in Biblical Studies and related fields. Three papers deal with Second Temple Judaism manuscripts, from the text of 2Sam 15:1 in 4QSama and 4QSamc to the Book of Jubilees and the Damascus Document. Further three papers are focused on New Testament topics, exploring the transmission of the Pauline corpus, the text of Galatians in Codex Z, and the text of Mark in Codex Vaticanus. Finally, three papers deal with Patristic textual matters, focusing on the Shepherd of Hermas in Codex Sinaiticus, the codices of Augustine’s works in Verona, and the manuscript reception of Isidore of Pelusium.

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