Möglichkeit und Grenzen einer Gottespräsenz im menschlichen «Fleisch»Anmerkungen zu Eckhard Nordhofens Relektüre der vierten Vaterunser-Bitte

Abstract / DOI

God’s Presence in Human Flesh: Notes on the Fourth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer. This article is a reply to Eckhard Nordhofens exegesis of the fourth petition of the Lord’s Prayer. There is an important difference between the vertical Incarnation, the logos in Jesus Christ’s Gestalt, and the horizontal level, on which the spirit of Christ becomes our spirit. Human flesh is under the constant influence of sin. Thus the believer is in daily need of the heavenly bread in the same way as he is in need of Scripture to verify the accordance of his own spirit with the spirit of Christ. 

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