Unterschiedliche Akzente im GewissensverständnisDas Lehramt seit dem II. Vatikanischen Konzil

Abstract / DOI

Varying Accents in the Understanding of Conscience: The Magisterium since the Second Vatican Council. Conscience is a complex phenomenon. There had been intense efforts at the Council concerning conscience, where man «is alone with God» (‹Gaudium et spes›, 16). A remaining challenge has been to find the right balance between the «detection» of law – a creative process – and the «obedience» to a law in his heart written by God. The encyclical ‹Veritatis splendor› (1993) emphasized – in the light of truth – «obedience to the divine law». The Adult Catechism of the german bishops ‹Leben aus dem Glauben› (1995) again tried to hold the balance between these two aspects mentioned above. Likewise the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation ‹Amoris laetitia› (2016) includes the Council›s statements along these lines.

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