«Amoris Laetitia» und das gestörte Verhältnis von Glaube und Sakrament

Abstract / DOI

Amoris Laetitia and the Disturbed Relationship of Faith and Sacrament. The debate around the apostolic exhortation «Amoris laetitia» centers mainly on the question of admitting divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to Holy Communion under certain circumstances. But this issue should be seen in the context of a increasingly privatized faith which deviates from the ecclesial community, in other words: the great divide between faith and sacrament. Many times the belief in God is dissociated from the community of the church and her rules. The sacraments of baptism, holy communion and matrimony are widely considered as gifts to the receiver, not as a commitment to identify with and to testify for the church. But how can Christianity overcome its present chrisis, according to the author? Only if the growing divergence of faith and sacrament is transformed into a convergence.

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