‹Das wäre ja nur eine halbe Offenbarung, oder sogar nur ein Viertel!›John Henry Newmans inklusive Deutung des sola-scriptura-Prinzips

Abstract / DOI

‹This would be but a half or quarter gift›: John Henry Newman’s Inclusive Interpretation of the «Sola Scriptura» Principle. In view of the fifth centenary of the Reformation critical evaluation of its formal principles, especially of the sola scriptura, within Protestant Theology invites also their reappraisal by Catholic theologians. John Henry Newman’s theological quest for truth can inspire the task of establishing a catholic sola scriptura principle by stressing the necessity of a personal faith in Christ, which is formed in the encounter with the gospels in a way that only scripture can open, while limiting the reach of the sola scriptura principle by analysing the preconditions of a definite faith in Christian Doctrine, one of them being the necessity of an authoritative interpreter of God’s revelation in Christ. 

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