Gesellschaft im KatastrophenalarmLiturgiewissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf öffentliche Trauerfeiern

Abstract / DOI

Disaster Rituals and Public Liturgy. Disaster rituals or public liturgy after a disaster is a kind of worship, which established in Germany in the last years. This paper looks on this phenomenon from the perspective of liturgical studies. What is the procedure of this liturgy? What is the function of Christian churches in the mourning of the society after a shooting rampage or terror attack? What are the challenges of these liturgies of churches in the today´s society? The article shows that the liturgy is part of a broader process of public grief. It´s a »dangerous liturgy” with many expectations. Important are not only texts of the bible and of prayers, but also signs and rituals. They must speak in a situation of speechlessness. There is a relationship between Christian ethic and the ritual engagement for mourners regardless of their denomination. Very complicated is the question of the cooperation of different religions in a Christian oecumenical worship. It is one question of the future of these liturgies.

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