Was sind sakrale Orte?: Skizze einer theologischen Topologie Von Bernd Irlenborn COMMUNIO 47 (2018) 276-289, Perspektiven, Lesedauer: ca. 21 Minuten / 0 Kommentare Abstract / DOI What are Sacred Places? Outline of a Theolodical Topology. What are sacred places? How do they differ from non-sacred places? What are their core features within Christianity? This paper aims at clarifying the idea of sacred places. The first section starts with philosophical assumptions on the meaning of place from a phenomenological perspective. The second section offers a classification of different types of places. The third section focuses on the classic distinction between the sacred and the profane. The fourth section draws an outline of a theological topology. Diesen Artikel jetzt lesen! Im Abo Ihr Plus: Zugriff auch auf alle anderen Artikel im Abo-Bereich 1 Heft + 1 Heft digital 0,00 € danach 77,40 € für 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr + Digitalzugang inkl. MwSt., zzgl. 7,20 € Versand (D) 1 Heft digital 0,00 € danach 63,00 € für 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr im Digitalzugang inkl. MwSt., Im Abo Im Digital-Abo Abo testen Digital-Abo testen Sie haben ein Abonnement? Anmelden Teilen Teilen Whatsapp Mailen Überschrift Artikel-Infos Autor Bernd Irlenborn Bernd Irlenborn, Dr. phil. Dr. theol., geb. 1963, Professor für Philosophiegeschichte und Theologische Propädeutik an der Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn.
Abstract / DOI What are Sacred Places? Outline of a Theolodical Topology. What are sacred places? How do they differ from non-sacred places? What are their core features within Christianity? This paper aims at clarifying the idea of sacred places. The first section starts with philosophical assumptions on the meaning of place from a phenomenological perspective. The second section offers a classification of different types of places. The third section focuses on the classic distinction between the sacred and the profane. The fourth section draws an outline of a theological topology.
Bernd Irlenborn Bernd Irlenborn, Dr. phil. Dr. theol., geb. 1963, Professor für Philosophiegeschichte und Theologische Propädeutik an der Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn.