Christliche Rituale des Essens – einst und heute

Abstract / DOI

Christian Rituals at the Dining Table – Past and Present. The religious meaning of food and drink in Christianity was signified through numerous signs and rituals in former times. Not only the dining table, order of table fellowship, and benediction were of particular importance, but also predetermined dishes according to the ecclesiastical calendar. The awareness for the religious dimension of the meal is decreasing nowadays. Among others, the food industry has divested us of a lot of work and effort for the preparation of our food. Back in the days, thanking god for all his benevolence had accompanied this to a much greater extent. At the same time, a collective consciousness for healthy eating has aroused, evoking an intensified responsible dealing with its creation. Most often, this is strongly connected with regionalism and temporal rhythms, however often also characterized by religious guidelines. The inner attitude has taken the place of outer rituals. Eventually, in many ways food and drink appear as a type of implied religion, which is consequently pursued.

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