«Essen (und Trinken) hält Leib und Seele zusammen»Vom zwiefachen Hunger des Menschen

Abstract / DOI

Hunger of the Body, Hunger of the Soul. This essay argues that the widespread discourse about food could be interpreted as compensating, first of all, a crisis of eating and of a proper understanding of it. It is not only the phenomenon of eating, but particularly of hunger that is widely neglected, not just from an ethical, but also from a biological and an anthropological perspective. In the following, the essay goes on to develop an account of hunger. In so doing, it focuses on the hunger of the body and also on the hunger of the soul. For humans experience a twofold hunger. The latter hunger, a metaphysical desire for truth, goodness, and beauty, is even more often overlooked than the bodily hunger and, as the essay concludes, deserves close attention so that human life can flourish.

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