Ecclesia peregrinansZur heilsgeschichtlichen Sicht von Kirche im Zweiten Vaticanum

Abstract / DOI

Pilgrim Church. The Church in the History of Salvation According to the Second Vatican Council. Beginning with the New Testament (2 Cor. 5, 6) «pilgrimage» is an image for the life of Christians in this world. However, the metaphor «pilgrim church» was rarely used in the past. From early medieval times on, theologians called the earthly church «militant», and the heavenly church «triumphant». The Second Vatican Council chose the term «pilgrim church» or «wandering people of God» for describing the path and the goal of the church, thus alluding to the difficult relationship with the Jewish people at the same time. By referring to the church as a «sacrament» as well as «pilgrim church», the Council made clear that the church does not have her aim in herself, but that her mission is to serve for the world’s salvation through testimony, worship, charity, and communion.

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