Die Geschichte des Bundes Gottes mit Israel und Jesus Christus als ihre VollendungZum Aufsatz von Papst em. Benedikt XVI. «Gnade und Berufung ohne Reue»

Abstract / DOI

The History of God’s Covenant with Israel and the Fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Annotations on «Grace and Vocation without remorse» (Benedict XVI). This article adresses the most recent publication by pope emeritus Benedict XVI on Judaism and responds with the attempt of an exegetical and biblical-theological foundation of Benedicts positions. It focusses thus on the history of God’s covenant with Israel and the idea of its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. The proclamation of God in the Old Testament (Ex 34,6) is the basis of the proclamation of salvation in the New Testament. There is no seperate covenant for the people of Israel apart from the cross of Jesus Christ; both Jews and Christians take part in the New Covenant of Christ – at least in eschatologic perspective.

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