Wechselseitig aufgehoben?Zum jüdisch-katholischen Verhältnis nach den jüngsten Debatten um Joseph Ratzinger / Benedikt XVI.

Abstract / DOI

On Jewish-Catholic Dialogue After Recent Debates on Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI. Benedict‘s latest contributions to the theology of Israel are so important because they explain why the church has to stop her institutionalized missionary work among Jews and why the church can hope for a remaining legacy of Judaism untill the end of time. At the same time Benedict struggles with the question how we can speak of a fulfillment of Jewish hopes in Jesus Christ without challenging the remaining dignity of Judaism. The author suggests a model of mutual inclusivity between the Church and Israel to solve this problem, and he tries to show how this model could help to overcome supersessionism without denying the universality and uniqueness of salvation in Christ.

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