Historische Authentizität zwischen Architektur und TheologieArchitektonische Anstöße für ein Kriterium der kirchlichen Lehrverkündigung

Abstract / DOI

Historical Authenticity Between Architecture and Theology: Architectural Impulses for Criteria for the Doctrinal Teaching of the Church. Historical authenticity is an architectural keyword and its criteria can also be pioneering for church teaching. The concern is to preserve the credibility of doctrine in the context of historical and social changes. Any change must respect the concrete situation and the tradition of a doctrine. Authenticity obliges the Magisterium to make the whole doctrine more credible with every single doctrine. Therefore every single doctrine has to be both reasonable and theologically adaptable. For this reason it is necessary – also for the Magisterium – to comprehend social impulses, which already exist in the church. Historical authenticity therefore is a dynamic criterion. It is neither unhistorical nor relativistic, but challenges the ecclesiastical Magisterium to search for greater credibility.

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