Ein umstrittenes Element katholischer TaufliturgieLiturgiewissenschaftliche Anmerkungen zum Exorzismus-Gebet

Abstract / DOI

Exorcism as a Disputed Element of Catholic Baptism Liturgy. Exorcism in the liturgy of baptism has historically had a very different function and form. This is connected with cultural contexts, but also has its reason in the differences between early Christian adult baptism and later infant baptism. Today’s liturgical books for the baptism of infants, school-aged children and adults set different accents for the «exorcismal prayer» («Exorzismus-Gebet»). They point to different interpretations of this prayer. The essay interprets this prayer among other things as part of the liturgical anamnesis. Baptismal exorcism is to be discussed in the context of today’s Western society in a church after the Enlightenment.

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