NachhaltigkeitHerausforderung und Aufgabe für Politik, Kirche und Gesellschaft

Abstract / DOI

Sustainability: Challenges and Tasks for Politics, Church and Society. A systemic approach such as the concept of sustainability is necessary, because the weaknesses revealed in the Corona pandemic are also the weaknesses of many other crises, such as the biodiversity and climate crisis. An up-to-date concept of sustainability is based on ecology as the safeguarding of livelihoods. This is where the pillars «economy» and «social» rest and, as a new pillar, «culture», because sustainability affects all areas of people‘s lives. The transformation of our overexploitation industry into an economy that complies with the principle of sustainability, as well as decoupling quality of life and economic growth, is of central importance. The implementation of sustainability in politics, economy and society represents a paradigm shift, which presents us with great challenges, but which is indispensable for saving our ecological basis of life and thus for the survival of humanity.The Pope‘s encyclical «Laudato si’» is an effective instrument for spreading this message.

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