Veritatis splendor und Evangelium vitaeJohannes Paul II. und die Moraltheologie

Abstract / DOI

Veritatis Splendor and Evangelium Vitae: Johm Paul II and Moral Theology. Moral Teaching has been an important request of Pope John Paul II. during his pontificate (1978–2005), what can be seen in several documents or with regard to his Wednesday-catechesis. The Catechism of the Catholic Church can also be seen as a part of it. His principles for the individual’s right moral action are summarized in both of his encyclicals Veritatis splendor (1993) and Evangelium vitae (1995). The first one named primarily refers to the lasting importance of the traditional teaching of the «intrinsically evil acts». The prohibition of artificial contraception is mentioned there with respect to Humanae vitae (1968). The second encyclical pays attention to the «culture of life», which is confronted with a «culture of death», and treats besides the rejection of abortion and euthanasia many other current bioethical topics. Within the church the ethical evaluations of both encyclicals partly had marked consequences for the treatment of moral theologians and of the leading competence of bishops within their dioceses by Rome.

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