Die Faszination Gottes in der Person JesuChristologie und Glaube nach dem Johannesevangelium

Abstract / DOI

The Fascination of God in the person of Jesus: Christology and Faith according to the Gospel of John. In the Gospel according to John, not only listening but also seeing is an essential dimension of revelation and believing. The reason for this is christological. Jesus himself, the Word of God made flesh, is the beloved Son who sees the Father continually, until his death and resurrection, grounded in the pre-existence of the Logos. Therefore, a person who looks at Jesus with the eyes of faith sees in the face of Jesus the Father who sent the Son. This is the reason why believers can confess that they have seen his glory, especially in his «signs». But the time of this revelatory seeing is limited. It belongs to the bodily appearance of Jesus in both his earthly and paschal days.

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