Geht Kirche heute noch?Pentekostalismus als Herausforderung für die christliche Ökumene

Abstract / DOI

Is church still possible today? Pentecostalism as a Challenge in Christian Ecumenism. Pentecostalism is the fastest growing movement in Christianity worldwide. Especially in Latin America and Africa, it has radically changed the denominational landscape of Christianity. Pentecostalism is characterized by a bewildering heterogeneity. In the scholarly context, Pentecostalism is assigned to the phenomenon of «New Religious Movements» and is characterized by an emphasis on religious experience, appeal to the emotions, the practice of healing rituals, proximity to psychotherapy, the influence of religious attitudes on personal, family, professional or social developments, media staging and emphasis on personal conversion. The success of the Pentecostal movement represents an essential phenomenon of Christian modernity, which the church must face and to which it must find adequate answers.

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