«Ihr habt den Geist der Kindschaft empfangen»Überlegungen zur pneumatologischen Dimension kirchlicher Traditionsprozesse

Abstract / DOI

«You have received the Spirit of Adoption»: Reflections on the Pneumatological Dimension of Ecclesiastical Processes of Tradition. Often the question of how the Holy Spirit acts in the context of Christian tradition is discussed in a perspective focused exclusively or mainly on epistemological aspects, i.e. on the question of theological and ecclesiastical cognition. The considerations unfolded in the present article reflect an approach that takes a complementary and foundational look at the relational mode of action of the Holy Spirit in the context of tradition. If tradition, following the understanding of revelation presented by Vatican II., ultimately aims at passing on the relationship with God, then this opens up a different perspective on the pneumatological aspect of tradition processes: The Holy Spirit can be seen here as the enabling and supporting ground of the horizontal and vertical relations that are the precondition, core and goal of tradition.

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