Romano Guardini und die KircheHundert Jahre «Vom Sinn der Kirche» (1922–2022): eine Relecture

Abstract / DOI

Romano Guardini and the Church: One Hundred Years «The Church and the Catholic» [Vom Sinn der Kirche] (1922–2022) – a rereading. One hundred years after Guardini’s famous statement about the awakening of the Church in the soul, this article is an invitation to a rereading of his vision of the Church. References are made to paradigm shifts: from the house of glory; to a more personal experience of the Church; Guardinis understanding of the Church as mystery and rock; as well as his contribution regarding authority and obedience (along with it’s abuse). A look at his personal relation to the Church leads to the «we»-dimension of a Church based in liturgy. Love is, for Guardini, the key to overcoming an attitude of pure analysis regarding ecclesial deficits. Rereading Guardini’s vision may lead to a new awakening of the Church in times of synodal ways. 

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