Anzeige: Der Unvollendete. Franziskus' Erbe und der Kampf um seine Nachfolge. Von Marco Politi
Herder Thema: God's strong daughters

God's strong daughtersWomen and Ministries in Catholicism Worldwide


In addition to the question of power and separation of powers, the women's question is the decisive future issue for the Catholic Church and its credibility. While one side emphasizes that the equal dignity of all people must also mean equal rights for women, the other points to the positions of the popes. The feedback to the World Synod and the contributions to this issue show that Catholics all over the world expect and demand a different way of dealing with women in their church. What roles, tasks and offices will women take on in the church in the future? Which structural limits, which mental blocks need to be overcome, which challenges need to be mastered? Well-known authors from many countries answer these questions.
