Essen im Konklave: Ernährungs- und Konsumgewohnheiten an der Kurie Johannes' XXIII. (1410-1419) Von Christopher Kast RQ 3 (2018) 199-212 Zusammenfassung / Abstract „Eating in the conclave. Dietary habits and consumerism at the Curia of John XXIII (1410–1419)“ – Towards the end of the Council of Constance (1414–1418), the Roman Curia had become an unprecedented international court. This also led to the Europeanisation of the curial kitchen. However, the until recently unknown kitchen bills (Spese Minute) from the pontificate of John XXIII (1410–1419) indicate that, even before this very process, the papal cooks were already proficient to cook in such a European manner. Overall the Spese Minute picture the nutrition at the Curia in the 15th century. Moreover the kitchen bills demonstrate how the conclave of 1410 was influenced by later pope John XXIII. Diesen Artikel jetzt lesen! Im Einzelkauf Sie erhalten diesen Artikel als PDF-Datei. Download sofort verfügbar 29,00 € inkl. MwSt PDF bestellen Im Abo Ihr Plus: Zugriff auch auf alle anderen Artikel im Abo-Bereich 223,00 € für 2 Ausgaben pro Jahr + Digitalzugang für institutionelle Bezieher, 168,00 € für Privatpersoneninkl. MwSt., zzgl. 11,80 € Versand (D) 202,00 € für 2 Ausgaben pro Jahr im Digitalzugang für institutionelle Bezieher, 155,00 € für Privatpersoneninkl. MwSt., Im Abo Im Digital-Abo Abo testen Digital-Abo testen Sie haben ein Abonnement? Anmelden Teilen Teilen Whatsapp Mailen Überschrift Artikel-Infos Autor Christopher Kast
Zusammenfassung / Abstract „Eating in the conclave. Dietary habits and consumerism at the Curia of John XXIII (1410–1419)“ – Towards the end of the Council of Constance (1414–1418), the Roman Curia had become an unprecedented international court. This also led to the Europeanisation of the curial kitchen. However, the until recently unknown kitchen bills (Spese Minute) from the pontificate of John XXIII (1410–1419) indicate that, even before this very process, the papal cooks were already proficient to cook in such a European manner. Overall the Spese Minute picture the nutrition at the Curia in the 15th century. Moreover the kitchen bills demonstrate how the conclave of 1410 was influenced by later pope John XXIII.