Ein unbekanntes Manuskript des Konzils von Trient (BAV Vat. lat. 6175)

Zusammenfassung / Abstract

“An unknown manuscript of the Council of Trent (BAV Vat. lat. 6175)” – This article deals with a hitherto unnoticed manuscript of the Council of Trent which has not been included in the edition Concilium Tridentinum of the Görres Society. BAV Vat. lat. 6175 contains the Ordo, et modus in celebratione sacri et generalis Concilij Tridentini observatus, a copy of the papal bull Alias nos nonnullas of 12 January 1562 and a copy of the Diario del Concilio di Trento by Astolfo Servantio. The remaining pages are the document appendix of the diary.

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