Vom Ersatzbischof zum Märtyrerpapst: Felix II. im ostgotischen Rom

Zusammenfassung / Abstract

“From substitute bishop to martyr pope. Felix II in Ostrogothic Rome” – This paper aims to reconsider some central points of the veneration of (anti)pope Felix II (4th century) as saint and martyr since the 6th century, proposing a reevaluation of the texts about Felix and Liberius in the Liber Pontificalis. After a critical survey of the Passio Felicis (BHL 2857) that questions the priority of the text, the entry of Felix II in the Roman Liber Pontificalis is scrutinized regarding its sources, especially the Gesta inter Liberium et Felicem, the Symmachian document on Liberius, the Passio Agnetis (BHL 156), the Passio Eusebii presbyteri (BHL 2740) and the papal medallions in St. Paul’s Outside the Walls. Furthermore, potential backgrounds of the double veneration of two popes named Felix at the via Aurelia are discussed. Finally, some points are made about the development of legends that sprang up around Felix and Liberius in Ostrogothic Rome. Two different traditions can be discerned: While the first tradition can be traced back to the adherents of Lawrence, opponent of Symmachus (498–514), and reflects their situation after the retreat of Lawrence, the second tradition may either have originated among the adherents of Symmachus or as a commentary regarding the circumstances of the election and pontificate of Felix IV (526–530).

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