Die frühen skandinavischen Zisterzienserklöster nach der Bibliotheca Scriptorum Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis des Karel de Visch

Zusammenfassung / Abstract

The early Scandinavian Cistercian monasteries according to the Bibliotheca Scriptorum Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis by Karel de Visch” – This article examines the work of Flemish historiographer Karel de Visch OCist (1596–1666) with special focus on his Bibliotheca Scriptorum Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis. It sheds light on Visch’s personal network and interdependencies of his work with that of other Catholic scholars of the time. In a second step, the article focuses on the Chronologia Dunensis, an index of Cistercian monasteries which forms part of the Bibliotheca, and identifies the five otherwise unknown monasteries that, according to Visch’s account, were founded in Scandinavia between 1138 and 1188. In doing so, the article picks up on the discussion started by Swedish archaeologist Sven Rosborn, who supposes to have located two of these monasteries to Älleköpinge, Scania, and Gran, Hadeland, respectively.

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