Kurienzeremoniell und römische ZeichenkunstGiovanni Maria Zoppelli in der Sala Regia

Zusammenfassung / Abstract

Curia ceremonial and Roman draughtsmanship. Giovanni Maria Zoppelli in the Sala Regia” – In contrast to the original pictorial program that had been devised for the decoration of the Sala Regia inside the Apostolic Palace under Pope Paul III Farnese, the decoration of the aula magna designed during Pius IV’s pontificate showed considerable differences, for the originally conceived frescoes were replaced by historical episodes from papal history and Church history. The new pictorial cycle demonstrated a division in wall compartments above the doors leading to the most important ceremonial interiors of the piano nobile inside the Apostolic Palace. At the same time, the new program envisoned also the decoration of those larger wall compartments between the respective doors, which showed monumental scenes in contrast to the sopraporte. Nevertheless, the pictorial program executed during Pius IV’s Medici pontificate inside the Sala Regia has so far received only little attention in respect to its relationship with Curial Ceremony. The following contribution thus aims at demonstrating how the narrow picture field on the northern wall beside the entrace to the Sala Ducale, showing an episode that the painter Giovanni Maria Zoppelli from Cremona had executed, strongly establishes a dependence of the overall pictorial program from the prescriptions of the Caeremoniale Romanae Curiae.

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