Il fondo “Monasteri soppressi” e la Terra di Bari. Alcune riflessioni intorno agli archivi monastici e religiosi nel Mezzogiorno continentale d’Italia

Zusammenfassung / Abstract

The ‘Monasteri soppressi’ Fund and the Terra di Bari. Some Reflections on Monastic and Religious Archives in Southern Continental Italy” – After an introduction on the process of formation and the composition of the archival fund “Monasteri soppressi” of the Great Archive of Naples, partially destroyed during World War II, this contribution aims to offer a hypothesis for reconstructing the series of parchments related to the Terra di Bari from 1131 to 1309, that is, from the foundation of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily to the death of Charles II of Anjou. This reconstruction has been partially conducted through some editions prior to 1943, but primarily thanks to the information and precise regests passed down by two manuscript witnesses written between the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which are today conserved in the miscellaneous fund “Museo” of the State Archives of Naples and the manuscript fund of the “Eustachio Rogadeo” Municipal Library in Bitonto.

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