Zur Theologiegeschichte der biblischen Religion in der vorexilischen Zeit

Zusammenfassung / Summary

After the worship of YHWH as the one savior god of the Israelites (at the level of the whole people) in the earliest period of Israelite history, Salomo introduced the worship of gods of other peoples into the state cult of Israel. Shortly before the time of Hosea, the “Efraimite History” initiated the return to and reevaluation of YHWH as the only savior god of Israel and thereby the struggle for the exclusive worship of YHWH. Around 700 BCE, the demand for the YHWH-monolatry was expanded by the so-called Ur-Deuteronomy and the “Hezekianic History” to include the practicing of the (sacrificial) cult only at the “one place” (the temple in Jerusalem), a practise established by Hezekiah. In this early stage of cult centralization, the cult practised outside of the temple of Jerusalem was yet taken to be yahwistic, but 80 years later, in the context of the renewed cult centralization by Joschija, it was rejected as idolatric.