Über die Herkunft der Trias Martyria - Leiturgia - Diakonia

Zusammenfassung / Summary

The triad of Martyria, Leiturgia, Diakonia is well known as an aggregation of the basic functions of the church. It is - for good reasons - often seen in the context of the Vatican II and its reception. Less known is the origin of this triad. In the above way it was apparently first drafted at a trial week of the Evangelische Michaelsbruderschaft in 1935, later then in the 1940 book „Bruderschaft“ by Wilhelm Stählin. The Michaelsbruderschaft maintained several oecumenical contacts, also with catholic theologians right before the Vatican II. The oecumenic work of the Michaelsbruderschaft was more sustainable than its influence in the protestant church. The reception of the triad is an example of a latent transfer of buried oecumenic commonality.