Zusammenfassung / Summary
The book „Le chrétien devant le racisme“ that emphatically rejects the National Socialist ideology of racism from the Christian viewpoint was published under a pseudonym, “Lucien Valdor”, in 1939. French libraries and distinguished scholars like Henri de Lubac attribute it to Romano Guardini. In the first part of the present contribution, however, the Jesuit father Pierre Lorson who was of German origin is identified as the true author. The second part reports on father Lorson’s role as a German-French mediator. His translation (“Le Seigneur”) of Guardini’s book “Der Herr” (1937, “The Lord”, the first English edition in 1954), prepared during World War II, was published in 1946 und reprinted in France several times (latest edition in 2009). Moreover, in 1948 this Jesuit who was a committed advocate of the Pax Christi Movement presented the French readership to a lecture on the idea of peace held by Guardini at the Sorbonne (“À la recherche de la paix”).