Cano und CarranzaStudien zur Authentizität von Melchior Canos Gutachten zu den „Comentarios al Catechismo christiano“ (1558) des Bartolomé Carranza

Zusammenfassung / Summary

The Dominican Melchor Cano (1509 - 1560) applies to many modern theologians a controversial character. Even though his outstanding work has brought him the reputation to be „nicht der Methodologe neuzeitlicher Theologie überhaupt, sondern der neuzeitlichen Dogmatik“ [E. Klinger: Grundlegung bei Melchior Cano und Entwicklung bis zum Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil (Freiburg 1978) 53], his fame is still clouded by the insufficiently clarified question of his involvement in the censura of Bartolomé Carranza’s Comentarios al Catechismo christiano, which was ordered by the Inquisition. The present study is an attempt to answer these last remaining questions of authenticity by comparing passages in the censura with parallels of de locis theologicis.

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