Postmetaphysics (Kartonierte Ausgabe)

A Socio-Philosophical Challenge to the Indian Religious Public Sphere

  • wbg Academic in der Verlag Herder GmbH
  • 1. Auflage 2022
  • Kartoniert
  • 326 Seiten
  • ISBN: 978-3-534-40702-6
  • Bestellnummer: P3407020

Jürgen Habermas’ development of the concept of postmetaphysics does orient us to engage in a dialogue between faith and knowledge that contributes in dealing with religion in public sphere. Ergo, this research is based on an enquiry that conscientizes one about the primordial intentionality of religion within sociological and philosophical categories that are expressed in a public sphere. Furthermore, it lays its accents on the Indian religious public sphere. It aims at providing a discursive methodology in treating non-reflective expressions of religion such as religious extremism or violence based on religious fundamentalism, by exposing and accentuating the recapitulation of contemporary society towards the fundamental rational, reformative and emancipatory traditions of religion, which are gradually being lost or ignored. This is treated in a pluriform of theories which proposing the theory of translation to a postsecular society, wherein the possibility to present religious concepts in a secular language has been deciphered and established.


Born in Visakhapatnam, South India, Suthi began his academic career as a basis for his formation to be a Catholic priest belonging to the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor. After completing Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Theology, he was 
encouraged to enter a PhD programme in Germanyat Westfälische-Wilhelms University, Münster (2015–2020), which he successfully completed at Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main (2021).

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