Censorship in Comments (Gebundene Ausgabe)

A Study on Kuomintang’s Wartime Journalism Censorship during 1933–1945

  • wbg Academic in der Verlag Herder GmbH
  • 1. Auflage 2024
  • Gebunden
  • 264 Seiten
  • ISBN: 978-3-534-64002-7
  • Bestellnummer: P3640026

The complexity of Kuomintang journalism censorship during wartime

The issue of censorship in China is both a taboo in public discussion and a topic of growing interest. This tradition has deep roots in Chinese history and is closely linked to modern journalism, the practice of press legislation and various constitutional movements during the Republic of China period. During the Second Sino-Japanese War and the struggle for national independence, the Kuomintang (KMT) introduced an unprecedented censorship programme on journalism that lasted for about 12 years in government-controlled areas. This period is crucial to the study of the development of censorship in China as it reflects the complex social relations and power dynamics involved and sheds light on the direction of development of Chinese journalism in the post-war period.

Discussions of the KMT's wartime censorship policies became rare after 1945, with limited international attention but a significant focus in Chinese-speaking regions, especially in Mainland China and Taiwan. Research in mainland China often framed this issue within a class-antagonistic revolutionary narrative. In contrast, Taiwanese scholars initially took a moderately critical stance and later explored different perspectives such as legal history and military strategy. The declassification of relevant archives has enabled the publication of monographs that combine historical material and commentaries to facilitate further research.

Previous studies were influenced by political stances, leading to narrative biases. Consequently, there is room for an in-depth study of the overall story and a detailed examination of historical events. This research focuses on organising and analysing the contents and texts of archives, newspapers and magazines from the Republic of China. By describing and analysing these materials, the study aims to reconstruct the historical context of the KMT's wartime journalistic censorship, clarify its development and uncover the logic behind the system.

Das Buch ist auch als Open Access-Publikation erhältlich.


Runshi Qin, who completed her doctorate at the University of Cologne, is currently working at the Chongqing Youth Vocational and Technical College in China. Her research focuses on the history and theory of journalism.

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