Shifting Perspectives on Intersectionality (Gebundene Ausgabe)

  • wbg Academic in der Verlag Herder GmbH
  • 1. Auflage 2024
  • Gebunden
  • 240 Seiten
  • ISBN: 978-3-534-64000-3
  • Bestellnummer: P3640000

Applying intersectional lenses

Since its inception by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989, intersectionality has evolved to become a powerful tool for understanding complex social and racial inequalities. "Shifting Perspectives on Intersectionality" explores the rich history and crucial relevance of the concept in the U.S., where access to health care and education, women’s reproductive rights, or the status and viability of trans people are socially and politically jeopardized. The volume illuminates how intersecting forms of discrimination affect marginalized groups in the United States, providing a backdrop for understanding the significant racial, gender, and socioeconomic disparities that shape U.S. history and contemporary society. The essays in this collection apply intersectional lenses to topics as diverse as the massive resistance to school desegregation, the Black Power Movement, controlling images of Black womanhood, representations of mental illness and trauma, and drag performance. Highlighting systemic oppression, marginalization, and complex power structures, the individual contributions

  • showcase how intersectionality can be applied across different academic disciplines by juxtaposing perspectives from American studies, history, sociology, rhetoric and media studies, and queer studies in paired thematic chapters;
  • address issues that predate the coinage of the term to demonstrate the importance of intersectional politics in theory and as praxis in real-world contexts;
  • expand the critical terminology of current scholarship and introduce complementary concepts to advance our understanding of intersectionality and related ideas

"Shifting Perspectives on Intersectionality" allows readers to grasp the particular ways in which systemic inequalities manifest and persist in U.S. society, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to address and dismantle these complex power structures.

The transdisciplinary series “Diversity, Gender & Intersectionality” discusses the relevance of these concepts for pluralistic societies in a globalised world from different perspectives. The series is edited by the University Women’s Representative and the Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity of the University of Passau.

Das Buch ist auch als Open Access-Publikation erhältlich.


Grit Grigoleit-Richter, Dr., is a researcher and lecturer at the Professorship of American Studies / Cultural and Media Studies, University of Passau, Germany. She authored “Integrationsvarianten – Die Hmong in den USA” (2009) and is currently the principal investigator in the BMBF-funded research project “A Critical Race and Intersectional Perspective on the U. S. American Welfare State.” Her main research interests include structural racism in the U. S., critical race theory, intersectionality, diaspora and immigration, and racialized minorities in the U. S.


Florian Zitzelsberger is a Ph. D. candidate in American Studies at the University of Passau, Germany, whose research is situated at the intersections of queer theory, Performance Studies, and narrative theory. Among others, his work has appeared in Amerikastudien, Comparative American Studies, and the Journal of Narrative Theory. Florian is co-editor of “Posthuman Drag,” a special issue of Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture. In 2023 / 24, he was a visiting scholar at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon.

Thematisch verwandt

Diversity, Gender & Intersektionalität
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